Monday, January 31, 2011

Global Communication Outline

Imagine never being introduced to your favorite Chinese cuisine or being able to aid foreign countries who are going through some sort of natural disaster.  Now those two examples might be two different extremes but without a certain degree of global communication neither would be possible as they are today. According to ”Global communication is the ability to provide and access information across cultures through speaking, listening, or reading and writing.” Global Communication has increased so drastically due to the fact that the communication barrier is slowly being lowered. Communication globally has also been made easier due to the ever ending advances in technology. Finally you can also see the rise in Global Communication when you see countries coming to the aid of other countries no matter how big or small the problem might be.

1.      Communication barrier is slowly being lowered
a.       Children being brought up l earning multiple languages.
2.      The rise in technological advancements.
a.       The internet was created during the late 20th century and is being perfected today. It’s a very essential tool in global communication.
b.      Cell phones are also used by most people today and help people stay in touch all over the world.
3.      Countries are aiding each other during economic hardships and natural disasters.
a.       Haiti
b.      War torn countries

So “Global communication is the ability to provide and access information across cultures through speaking, listening, or reading and writing.” Without it the human race wouldn’t have been able to achieve so much. As you hear over and over growing up two minds are better than one. I believe you can use that same idea when it comes to all the successes due to the ever growing ability to communicate with other countries. This can be attributed to the fact that the communication barriers among countries are being lowered. The advances in technology are lowering many limitations in communicating with other countries. Lastly people are coming together globally and helping countries in need.

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