Monday, January 31, 2011

Global Communication Paper

                Imagine never being introduced to your favorite Chinese cuisine or being able to aid foreign countries who are going through some sort of natural disaster.  Now those two examples might be two different extremes but without a certain degree of global communication neither would be possible as they are today. According to ”Global communication is the ability to provide and access information across cultures through speaking, listening, or reading and writing.” Global Communication has increased so drastically due to the fact that the communication barrier is slowly being lowered. Communication globally has also been made easier due to the ever ending advances in technology. Finally you can also see the rise in Global Communication when you see countries coming to the aid of other countries no matter how big or small the problem might be.            First off Global Communication is impossible if you can’t find a way to communicate with other countries. As every year goes by this obstacle becomes less and less of an issue. Maybe not so much in the United States quite yet but many other countries raise their children to be at least bilingual. Not only will this be beneficial to the child later on academically, but it will also prevent them from being so narrow minded growing up. During my tour in Iraq you’d think not speaking the native language would put a huge damper on completing a mission successfully. The truth is that a great deal of Iraqis know at least enough English to help us get by. So it is very beneficial for overall globalization to lower the communication barrier like we have been doing over the last decade.
            Next, without rise in technology Global Communication wouldn’t be even relatively close to where it is today. A huge chunk of this success can be related to the invention of the internet during the late 20th century. Now that this technology is slowly being perfected there aren’t many international questions that can’t be answered with just the click of a button. Whether it be about another countries trade history or their economic development, the possibilities are endless. Another giant step in technology would be satellites which enables the use of cell phones. Over the last ten years or so the use of cell phones has boomed in the US. Today it’s hard to find a 9th grader in high school that can’t access the internet from their pocket. It is real amazing how easy it is to stay connected with anyone in the world with the current rise in technology.
            Finally it is obvious how much Global Communication has grown when you see countries aiding other countries in need. Whether it be for a natural disaster or towards a war torn country, civil or otherwise. A more recent example of this would be all the millions of dollars worth of support and aid Haiti received during its most recent earthquake. It’s this form of globalization that will hopefully get the poorer country of Haiti back on its feet.
            So ”Global communication is the ability to provide and access information across cultures through speaking, listening, or reading and writing.” ( Without it the human race wouldn’t have been able to achieve so much. As you hear over and over growing up two minds are better than one. I believe you can use that same idea when it comes to all the successes due to the ever growing ability to communicate with other countries. This can be attributed to the fact that the communication barriers among countries are being lowered. The advances in technology are lowering many limitations in communicating with other countries. Lastly people are coming together globally and helping countries in need.

Global Communication Outline

Imagine never being introduced to your favorite Chinese cuisine or being able to aid foreign countries who are going through some sort of natural disaster.  Now those two examples might be two different extremes but without a certain degree of global communication neither would be possible as they are today. According to ”Global communication is the ability to provide and access information across cultures through speaking, listening, or reading and writing.” Global Communication has increased so drastically due to the fact that the communication barrier is slowly being lowered. Communication globally has also been made easier due to the ever ending advances in technology. Finally you can also see the rise in Global Communication when you see countries coming to the aid of other countries no matter how big or small the problem might be.

1.      Communication barrier is slowly being lowered
a.       Children being brought up l earning multiple languages.
2.      The rise in technological advancements.
a.       The internet was created during the late 20th century and is being perfected today. It’s a very essential tool in global communication.
b.      Cell phones are also used by most people today and help people stay in touch all over the world.
3.      Countries are aiding each other during economic hardships and natural disasters.
a.       Haiti
b.      War torn countries

So “Global communication is the ability to provide and access information across cultures through speaking, listening, or reading and writing.” Without it the human race wouldn’t have been able to achieve so much. As you hear over and over growing up two minds are better than one. I believe you can use that same idea when it comes to all the successes due to the ever growing ability to communicate with other countries. This can be attributed to the fact that the communication barriers among countries are being lowered. The advances in technology are lowering many limitations in communicating with other countries. Lastly people are coming together globally and helping countries in need.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

LEO Individual Student Topic

I chose this topic because I always seem to have trouble managing my time when it comes to writing papers. So to begin I’ll list the general amount of time it takes to complete such a task and then list some general guidelines or steps in completing a paper

According to LEO: Literacy Education Online
A research paper may take 5-8 weeks
A longer paper, or one that is 10 pages plus, could take up to 3 to 5 weeks.
A shorter paper, or one that is about 3 to 5 pages in length could take up to 1-2 weeks.
Then you have a short theme or paper that is 1-3 pages that could take up to 1-2 weeks as well.
If you’re anything like me you freak out about a larger assignment and push it off till the last minute. And then from there you’re cramming to get it done which leaves more room for error. (Then the panicking begins)  I believe it’s a great idea to spread the task of writing a paper over the deadline you are given. That way you’re not overwhelmed and you leave yourself with plenty of time to complete the assignment.
Now here are some guidelines when it comes to completing a paper efficiently. These guidelines are also from the LEO Website.
First finding the topic is a very essential part of your paper. If you are given some wiggle room and are allowed to pick your own topic it is very helpful to pick one that you can relate to or one that you find interesting. This alone can really help the flow of a paper.
Second it is important to have a good thesis. The thesis is the most important part of your paper. It tells the reader exactly what your paper is going to be about in one sentence.
Third it is important to generate details. Obviously the bigger the paper the more details, facts, and examples you have the better. It will give your paper more depth and credibility which is what your goal is. Now if you’re writing a shorter paper (1-3) pages you can kind of skimp out on some detail. Keep the key facts or just overall story line a little broader so you can stay within the guidelines.
Fourth it’s always a good idea to draw up an outline of your paper. It gives you a direction to go so you can keep your paper organized and focus on other aspects of the assignment.
The last 3 or so steps on the LEO website mainly consist of just taking a break from your paper and continuously coming back to revise it. It’s pretty much a guarantee that every time your re read your paper you’re going to find a small mistake, something you want to change, or just something you want to add. It also never hurts to have other people and fellow students to go over your paper.
So to sum this up it’s a good idea to know about how long to put aside for writing a paper and to have certain guidelines to go about tackling it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


1. Holker, Alexandra

2. Hayes, Amanda

3. Siemsen, Kim-Mareike

Story Behind Items in a Box Final

Story in a box
    There was this boy growing up in a small town in Minnesota who had big dreams of traveling the world when he graduated high school. His parents were so proud that he was going to broaden his horizons and escape the family tradition of settling down as a small town farmer.
    So the now young man decided he’d use his exceptional skill as a welder and go find a job in New York City until he had enough money to finance his voyage across the world. Despite his ambitions and all of boasting he happened to be content with all the vastness and cultural differences that were in the big city. To add to this change of perspective he happened to find a woman he fell hard for and had the intentions of settling down with. Now the problem this once small town boy from Minnesota has to face his either telling his parents the disappointing truth or find a way to beat around the bush.
    The young man hates being a disappointment to his family and has no problem telling a few white lies to maintain fame within his family. So he had to find a way to deceive his parents into thinking he had many great adventures in his travels.
    So after a long days work doing what he loves he stumbles on a very cultural diverse flea market and comes up with a cunning plan. With all the amazing artifacts within the tents he chooses the ones that he can relate to his adventures back at home on the farm.
    He finds an old tribal miniature replica style canoe that he said he got from an old Indian Woman on a reservation in New Mexico. This item was an easy choice for him because he and his father often went on early morning canoe trips during his childhood.
    Following that a statue of an African Woman caught the corner of his eye. He thought this would be perfect because his little sister was always fascinated with the cultural ways of African tribes. He then continued to make up a story how he stumbled upon a tribe when he was traveling in Africa.
    Shortly after seeing the statue of the African Woman he say cheaper wallet that had a picture of an elephant and other various African animals on the front. So he just made a little joke as to how poor he was and this was the only souvenir he could afford to send back at the time. One he picked up at a supermarket in southern Africa.
    Then he say a statue of a little drummer boy. He thought this would be great because it was one of his family's favorite Christmas song and this statue was fitting cause he was dressed up as if he was a fellow Minnesotan. He then went on to talk about how he found this trinket in South America and told a few other stories of his adventures down there.
    He then caught a glimmer off a little statue of a bald man. He chuckled to himself a little and remembered when he was swimming high school and he had his parent’s bic his head before a big swim meet. So he explained how he got this during his travels in Europe when he engaged in conversation with an older German carving this out of wood on his stoop.
    Then he noticed hanging from the rafters was an older blanket of some sorts. He figured it could some traditional family heir loom. So coincidently he got this from an older woman on his travels to India. This happened to be his father’s favorite type of food.
    Also right below the blanket he spotted a replica of a small Mexican house with a donkey in the front yard. He thought it was perfect because it reminded him of how his mother always talked about taking a trip to Mexico that is apparently still on delay. So in his description he said that we'll have to make together someday! It was amazing.
    Next he found what looked like three erotic seeds. His father was always a garden "nut" himself so he figured what could be more perfect to throw in this box. Doubting these seeds would do produce anything if planted he threw in a ruler as well saying if you don't plant them at a very specific depth odds are they won't grow.
    As the box was approaching full he noticed from a glimmer off in the distance a small colorful corked vase. He realized this would fit the decor in his mother’s living room just perfectly so he had to make some extra room in the box for this item. He chuckles to himself as he's holding the vase and thinks to himself, "I clearly got this item in a very neat little pottery house not far from the little house in Mexico where he stayed during his travels." Now the box was complete so all that was left was to send it on its merry way to small town Minnesota.
    Eventually the box made it to his family in MN and they were all ecstatic to say the least. Although from one giant lie, such as this, strung many more lies to come. This small town boy just couldn't bare the thought of disappointing his family but maybe he thought a little honesty would have saved him a lot of heartache.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Story behind the items in a box

Story in a box

    There was this boy growing up in a small town in Minnesota who had big dreams of traveling the world when he graduated high school. His parents were so proud that he was going to broaden his horizons and escape the family tradition of settling down as a small town farmer.
    So the now young man decided he’d use his exceptional skill as a welder and go find a job in New York city until he had enough money to finance his voyage across the world. Despite his ambitions and all of boasting he happened to be content with all the vastness and cultural differences that were in the big city. To add to this change of perspective he happened to find a woman he fell hard for and had the intentions of settling down with. Now the problem this once small town boy from Minnesota has to face his either telling his parents the disappointing truth or find a way to beat around the bush.
    The young man hates being a disappointment to his family and has no problem telling a few white lies to maintain fame within his family. So he had to find a way to deceive his parents into thinking he had many great adventures in his travels.
    So after a long days work doing what he loves he stumbles on a very cultural diverse fea market and comes up with a cunning plan. With all the amazing artifacts within the tents he chooses the ones that he can relate to his adventures back at home on the farm.
    He finds an old tribal miniature replica style canoe that he said he got from an old Indian Woman on a reservation in New Mexico. This item was an easy choice for him because he and his father often went on early morning canoe trips during his childhood.
    Following that a statue of an African Woman caught the corner of his eye. He thought this would be perfect because his little sister was always fascinated with the cultural ways of African tribes. He then continued to make up a story how he stumbled upon a tribe when he was traveling in Africa.
    Shortly after seeing the statue of the African Woman he say cheaper wallet that had a picture of an elephant and other various African animals on the front. So he just made a little joke as to how poor he was and this was the only souvenir he could afford to send back at the time. One he picked up at a supermarket in southern Africa.
    Then he say a statue of a little drummer boy. He thought this would be great because it was one of his family's favorite Christmas song and this statue was fitting cause he was dressed up as if he was a fellow Minnesotan. He then went on to talk about how he found this trinket in South America and told a few other stories of his adventures down there.
    He then caught a glimmer off a little statue of a bald man. He chuckled to himself a little and remembered when he was swimming high school and he had his parents bic his head before a big swim meet. So he explained how he got this during his travels in Europe when he engaged in conversation with an older German carving this out of wood on his stoop.
    Then he noticed hanging from the rafters was an older blanket of some sorts. He figured it could some traditional family heir loom. So coincedently he got this from an older woman on his travels to India. Which happened to be his fathers favorite type of food.
    Also right below the blanket he spotted a relica of a small Mexican house with a donkey in the front yard. He thought it was perfect because it reminded him of how his mother always talked about taking a trip to Mexico that is apparently still on delay. So in his description he said

Story in a Box

Objects in Box

12 Items in the box that I’ll use in my story.

1. A statue of an African woman in traditional clothing.

2. A pillar shaped stamp with a Chinese name on the bottom.

3. Little drummer boy dressed in winter apparel.

4. A statue of a bald guy from the neck up.

5. Leather wallet with an elephant and various animals on the cover.

6. Cultural blanket.

7. Tribal looking plate.

8. A small replica of a Mexican style house with donkey in the front yard.

9. 3 brown nuts.

10. Ruler

11. Small vase with cork.

12. Old Native American Canoe